African Masks Art Project

We learned about African masks in Art this year at school while we were learning about West Africa, and I wanted to post this because I think African masks are really cool and interesting.

African Masks are masks used to tell stories in Africa.  There are different rituals in which performers do dance routines, sing, and wear their masks.  Each person’s mask symbolizes a power.  The character’s power could be used for either good or bad, depending on the plot of the story.  Some common African masks symbolize weather (droughts occur frequently in Africa), animals, and abstract people.

They are typically made out of wood, but we made ours out of newspaper and plaster.  To paint the masks, we had to use a tertiary color system.  A tertiary color system is a color made from all of the primary colors (blue, yellow, and red).  The colors are used to help show the character’s power or personality.  For example, I used yellow on my character’s head because I wanted to show his head full of good thoughts.

I made a goat because I love goats.  My character’s name is “Thought Eater” because he eats all bad thoughts and turns them into good thoughts.  His power was used to stop King Hyena’s evil plot to steal all the water from his kingdom during a time of drought.  Thought Eater became famous because he saved the kingdom.  He then became King, and helped solve many of the kingdom’s problems by stopping bad thoughts.

10 thoughts on “African Masks Art Project

  1. Hi Marco. If I had this mask I would wear it every day, Then my days would be sunny all the time. Maybe I will make a mask. Love Grandma Natalie

  2. Hi Marco,

    Whether you know it or not, you’re really on to something. The power of positive thinking is really important in life. And the more symbols, stories, and exercises we can employ to clear the path of negative thoughts, the better!

  3. Marco, the mask is Redskins colors. Grumpy loved it. It is nice to know that we have your artwork continuing. Thank you, talented grandson, Love Granny

  4. Love the mask!! You really captured the character. Are you planning to (or have you already) written stories with “Thought Eater”? I’d be very interested read them.
    xo Aunt D

    1. That’s awesome! I could possibly wear it if a string was attached, but right now it is just a decoration. Thanks so much, that’s a great idea! I totally had fun making it, I hope you did too!

  5. Hi Marco,

    Why do you love goats? I know we have a lot of goat lovers in the family. I don’t have a lot of history with goats. What do you find so special about them?

    1. Goats are so special to me because I feel like they are small horses with dog behavior (Opal and Onyx have good behavior, but talk a lot like Cali). They are adorable and fun to watch. They always “meh” to you when you walk by, and it really does warm your heart. You need to meet them, or even better, adopt some!

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